Solutions for Cyber Security:

Boost Security With Thousands of Data Points on 17m+ Android, iOS, and Roku Apps

Boost Security With Thousands of Data Points on 17m+ Android, iOS, and Roku Apps


Published and Unpublished Apps
App StoreGoogle Play StoreRoku

The best businesses need the highest-quality app intelligence!

Digital Turbine

Security-Ready Datasets

In addition to our standard datasets, we also offer the following security-focused file dumps:

  • Android and iOS APK/IPA Resources and File Structure Analysis.
  • Android and iOS SDKs Integrated into Apps.
  • Android App Signing Certificate Hashes: SHA-1, SHA-256, and MD5.
  • Android APK File Hashes: SHA-1, SHA-256, and MD5.
  • Android Static URLs Analysis.
  • Android and iOS Permissions.
Security-Ready Datasets

Leverage 42matters' APIs, file dumps, and Explorer platforms to:

Leverage 42matters' APIs and file dumps to:

  • Uncover strange publishing, unpublishing, and ban histories.
  • Catch unusual app permissions.
  • Match apps across Google Play and the Apple App Store by examining their signing certificates and file structures.
  • Monitor risky SDKs and determine where SDKs send user data by examining their URLs.
  • Set daily, weekly, monthly, or event-based alerts for key apps and SDKs.
  • And more!
Leverage 42matters' APIs, file dumps, and Explorer platforms to:

Mobile Device Management (MDM) and Mobile Application Management (MAM)

Pull app names, packages/IDs, icons, and Android certificate fingerprints (SHA1, SHA-256, MD5). Gain insight into apps with suspiciously low downloads, bad ratings and reviews, and more. Keep employees productive and corporate data secure via comprehensive whitelisting/blacklisting based on:

  • Vendor names, location, and app descriptions.
  • Categories, genres, and IAB categories.
  • SDKs and permissions.
  • Version histories and changelogs.
  • And more!
Mobile Device Management (MDM) and Mobile Application Management (MAM)

Flexible Access to 42matters'
App Intelligence Data

Flexible Access to 42matters' App Intelligence Data


Visually explore app intelligence for any iOS, Android, or Roku app.

App Watchlist

App Watchlist

Track and benchmark any iOS or Android apps on a single, unified dashboard.



Programmatic access to mobile and CTV app intelligence.

File Dumps

File Dumps

Download the latest app data and statistics and ingest them into your own system for further analysis.

Get Started Today!